The Impact of Estate Giving: How Supporters' Generosity Fuels MSK's Mission

My wife Diane and I have an unusual hobby: saving lives.

Performing CPR is our specialty. At sports games, concerts, or anywhere else, we're always the first people to take action when needed. We've saved many people that way.

Diane and I like saving people so much, we made it our careers: She's a registered nurse, and I'm retired from law enforcement. You can't put a price on saving someone's life; it's an incredible feeling.

I never thought I'd be on the receiving end of lifesaving help. But when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2017, that's exactly what I needed.

My father had had prostate and bladder cancer years earlier. And my nephew—my best friend—had died from urological cancer just 13 weeks before I was diagnosed. So I was scared.

That's why, after a worrying consultation with my local urologist, I walked out of the building, got in my car, and drove straight to Memorial Sloan Kettering's regional facility in Monmouth County. I walked up to the MSK Monmouth reception desk and said, "I was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. How can I get an appointment?" That's how I met Dr. Behfar Ehdaie.

I've never known such a brilliant, warm, and caring doctor. I knew I could trust him from Day One. Every other person on his treatment team and at MSK was just as wonderful. They treated me like family.


Robert and Diane J


When I needed surgery, Dr. Ehdaie and his team took great care to prepare me, both physically and emotionally. They put me in touch with MSK nurses and a former patient of Dr. Ehdaie's, who answered all my questions about the procedure and recovery. I learned that not only had the former patient's operation gone well, but that he was now running marathons!

They also sent me a video before my surgery depicting every step of the patient experience the day of the procedure: checking in, going to my room, being prepared by medical staff for the operation, and finally being taken to the operating room. After seeing that video, all my fears were gone. I was grateful everyone had worked so hard to make sure I knew what to expect.

The night before my surgery, Dr. Ehdaie called. He told me, "I just met with my team and I want you to know we have a plan. So rest well tonight because tomorrow we're going to cure your cancer!"

Dr. Ehdaie was true to his word—he did cure my cancer. Today, I'm so grateful to Dr. Ehdaie, his team, and everyone at MSK. They saved my life with their meticulousness, professionalism, and personal care. I will never forget any of them.

I've included Memorial Sloan Kettering in my estate plans because I want to make sure this level of cancer care and research continues forever. My planned gift will allow doctors like Dr. Ehdaie to find the next big breakthrough and help countless more people in the future.

Like I said, saving lives is my passion. Through my bequest to MSK, I can keep saving lives for many years to come.

Please contact the Office of Gift Planning at or 800-688-1827 to learn how you, too, can include a meaningful gift to MSK in your will or other estate plans.


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