A Force for Good

Cancer Has Impacted Us in More Ways Than One

Many of our loved ones have faced cancer. Our maternal grandfather, Maurice Korman, died from leukemia when our mother was just 14 years old. Although we were never able to meet him, we always felt a strong connection to him through our mother’s loving memories.

Giving Back Is at the Heart of What We Do

As our investment firm grew and became more successful, we knew we had the chance to make a positive, actionable change in the world. 

Maurice Korman, Jeremy and Michael Kahan's maternal grandfather
Maurice Korman, Jeremy and Michael Kahan's maternal grandfather

To Us, MSK Is Synonymous With Excellence

We’re confident in MSK, the world’s leading cancer institution. Its remarkable team of doctors, scientists, and staff are currently running hundreds of clinical trials, which will hopefully lead to new and more effective treatments for generations to come. We also know that COVID-19 presents many new challenges, particularly for people with cancer. MSK’s important work can’t afford to slow down — and we wanted to help ensure that the momentum continued.

Biology Doesn’t Discriminate

Too often we’ve experienced a fierce reminder that cancer can touch anyone.

Cancer affects people from all age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from.


We’re proud that our support will further MSK’s mission to achieve research breakthroughs and discover new therapies that will benefit people with cancer worldwide. That’s our motivation and what means so much to us.  

Right Now, Real Progress Is Within Our Reach 

There are many cancers that could not be treated even just a decade ago. But thanks to donor support, MSK has developed lifesaving advances in cancer care, and the world continues to benefit from these innovations. 

We are incredibly excited to help accelerate cancer research and help people with cancer worldwide.


Join Jeremy and Michael in bringing more hope to people with cancer. DONATE NOW