Giving Tuesday

Help fund life-changing research and care, and create more hope and possibility for every person with cancer. For a limited time, your gift will be MATCHED 2X!


Fund lifesaving research and care for Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday takes place only once a year, but lifesaving cancer research and care can’t wait. Not when over 2 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States alone. Not when the next medical breakthrough could be right around the corner.

Each year on Giving Tuesday we ask this community to help make more advances possible. We’ve made amazing progress together already — and each new discovery and treatment brings more hope and possibility to every person with cancer.

Making groundbreaking progress possible

With your support, MSK researchers and clinicians have made some amazing strides in just the past year alone:

  • A new treatment option for people with advanced or metastatic breast cancer who aren’t responding to typical treatments. Following a decade of pivotal research at MSK, the FDA approved elacestrant (Orserdu™) — one of a new class of drugs providing more hope and possibilities for people with metastatic, hormone-resistant breast cancer.
  • A new drug for multiple myeloma, a rare blood cancer that can be difficult to treat. MSK myeloma specialist and cellular therapist Alexander Lesokhin, MD, who led the development and testing of this drug, says that “widespread availability of elranatamab [Elrexfio™] could help improve the prognosis for many people with this disease, especially when initial treatments stop working.”
  • The 100,000th MSK-IMPACT® test. MSK-IMPACT® is the first targeted tumor-sequencing test of its kind to be authorized by the FDA. It can detect more than 500 cancer-associated genomic changes and allows doctors to assess whether a tumor is vulnerable to particular drugs and match patients to the therapies or clinical trials that will most benefit them.

With almost 2,000 clinical trials underway, MSK is constantly searching for the next breakthrough — and we won’t be done until there is a cure for every cancer.

Together, we are advancing MSK’s mission of ending cancer for life.

Giving Tuesday Goal: 2,500 Gifts
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